Authentic Adventures
of a soul-based entrepreneur
The connection to your heart is strong, let it guide you daily,
lift you up, and elevate yourself and others.
Live from your heart. Speak from your heart.
Kelly Weiss
Hi, I’m Kelly
Two in a half years ago, I left a 13-year corporate marketing and design career to follow my heart and embark on my journey as a soul-based entrepreneur. Here I share my story, struggles and awakenings of what it means to step into the unknown, follow your heart, and align to your soul calling. My goals are to choose intuition before mental logic and authenticity before ego.You’re invited to follow my journey and realizations into self-empowerment, soul-based entrepreneurism, following your heart, and intuitive business growth.
Awaken your connection
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Empowered Clients
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Stay connected with the latest inspirational articles on self-empowerment, soul-based entrepreneurism, and following your heart.
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